Sedation Dentistry - Alleviating Pain & Anxiety
Are you having concerns about your next dental procedure? Do dental visits give you anxiety in general? Well sedation dentistry might be your best option in eliminating any concerns! No matter how gentle we promise to be, we still see patients in Greensboro and surrounding areas who are terrified of any kind of dental work. Even a simple checkup can make people tremble with fear.
Oral hygiene and dental care are essential to your body’s health. We want to ensure that you get the treatment you need – without the anxiety you would normally feel during a visit. This is why we offer many options for sedation dentistry that are both safe and highly effective. Dr. Lajean is highly trained in both oral sedation, as well as IV sedation.

Oral Vs. IV Sedation - What You Should Know
Sedation dentistry, sometimes called relaxation dentistry, refers to the way dentists manage pain and anxiety during dental appointments. Unlike general anesthesia where a patient is completely unconscious, asleep, and unable to respond, patients under conscious sedation, are able to respond to commands and breath on their own.
There are actually 14 different ways that sedation drugs can be administered. There are 3 primary ways that Sedation is administered in the Dental Office:
IV Sedation also known as deep conscious sedation is usually used by oral surgeons and dentists with specialized training and special certification. With this type of sedation, medications are administered directly into the blood stream. The greatest advantage of IV sedation is that if someone is not sedated enough, the doctor can administer more medication and the effects are instantaneous. The drugs used for IV sedation are more effective than the same drugs taken orally. There is a more profound amnesia associated with this technique.
Enteral conscious sedation “orally administered sedation“, sometimes called “sedation dentistry” is administered by taking a pill. All body functions remain normal and the person is able to breathe on their own. The patient will often fall asleep. Some degree of amnesia is common. The disadvantage with this method of sedation is that the level of sedation for each person can be slightly unpredictable.
Our Goal Is To Make Patients Feel As Comfortable As Possible!
At Premier Dental Greensboro, our goal is to make sure our patients are as comfortable as possible during all dental procedures. If you have any questions about sedation dentistry, please feel free to call our office with any questions. We're always happy to help alleviate any anxiety about your dental visit.